Sub: Media is the only strata in society who could realize the under currents behind human violence and unrest !
To: Hindustan Times
Attn: Mr.Vir Sanghvi
Ref: your counter point column 'when the means don't justify the end'
Dear Mr.Sanghvi,
I read your final conclusions of the cause of violence with keen interest. Your conclusion is that some people actively choose the path of violence because they feel they could get away unpunished.
I was into philosophical pursuits from child hood. Causes that lead man to violence was one of my passionate themes of inquiry. You would agree, like poets and artists, philosophers also suffer from special pangs, anguishes and pains about the mystery of life. When poets ' fall upon the thorns of life and bleed' (Shelly?)our thoughts always sink to the bottom, searching for fundamental causes and principles.
Reason, as you would have noticed, has two distinct functions- - one, it helps to arrive at the most mathematically correct conclusion out of all given premises, and two, it splits a given ray of idea into its constituent sub ideas in a 'prismatic' function. While the first is more or less mechanical, the second is more creative, and always a never ending process. Every such fresh spectrum of ideas taunt you to arrive at conclusions and if you seek this option again, it will go on giving you never ending directions and options. Manifestation of this faculty of Reason has helped mankind to take his civilization into the present heights.
As I am actively into meditating on the human faculty of Reason, and in the process of writing my paper on it, I should also mention here that Reason is more or less a SEAT, or a SENSOR of ORDER kept inbuilt in man by nature. Hence it helps man to play and appreciate musical tunes (basically harmony of sound notes) work of art etc .It also compel man to fight injustice.( a form of disorder) It also makes great men to wage revolutions for bringing forth social changes.( compulsion to bring new order)
Will you care to go through the basic two causes of violence depicted in my attached work 'a different story on the origin of establishment' and offer your valued comments? It explains the origin and development of almost all our present day social maladies.. the naked rule of the strong over the less strong, the irrational myth of authority of the establishment, the central role of sycophant middlemen, our tendency of keeping women as items of possession and the permanent wall that separates haves from the have-nots.
This story has a presupposition that man's cosmic urge is to establish and maintain his 'entity'(his BEING) in the course of life. It is the mad urge that every unit of life including plants and animals share with human beings.
The two fundamental type of violence that my meditations have stuck upon are:
1) The oppressor's pre-emptive strike to punish the already oppressed class of men against their attempt to come out free and challenge the already established norms of superiority. The entity, or the BEING of the oppressors have been constituted and defined around such superiority, hence he has no other option but to strike hard and preserve his such entity.
2) From the very moment he has suffered violation of his entity(being)from the hands of the oppressor, it would remain the sole goal in the life of the oppressed to strike back, thus re-gain his lost entity and pride. His only two options are either go neurotic on account of his inability to strike back, or strike till he could annihilate the oppressor.
Unlike the animal species whose concerns and purely biological, man is blessed (or cursed?) to maintain his notional entity as an individual too. Hence unlike in the animal kingdom, man wage even wars for upholding his freedom, besides wars on pure biological causes like food and territory.
While the first kind of violence is actively chosen, the second is purely retaliatory. Oppressor keeps irrational premises about his superiority which can best be attributed to the still active remnant of jungle time primitiveness. Civilization was man's fight to get free from such primitiveness all through. Hence the onus of violence in the society is, without doubt, is with the oppressor, the powerful. The other party is cosmically compelled to retaliate For him it is violence, or the very annihilation of his sense of being!
The relevance of the science of ecology:
During the inception of science, man used it to thoroughly exploit nature and use her resources for improving conditions of life. But today he is compelled to reverse the course.. science of ecology teaches him to look after and preserve his environment if he needs to preserve himself! So we have tiger preserve programmes, forest protection programmes and what not! This new found wisdom is yet to turn its eyes towards the most central of this outlook of wisdom- - -need to preserve the 'other man' to save his society. The fellow-being is the first and the most central item in every one's immediate environment. He is the one to be preserved and looked after first for man to preserve his life, society, country and mankind.
Capitalism advocated the virtue of every man toiling his best to preserve his well being. The other fellow will follow the suit and preserve him self. Fact of competition was established as the naturally set condition for life. While the most successful minority could open factories and business empires, the less successful majority was asked to get transformed into effigies of officers, managers, drivers, workers, clerks and peons. Their entity as unique persons had no takers in the system. Every one was required to convert himself most efficiently as the specialized 'tool'/'component' that he was required to become in the process of running the machinery of business.
Communism as an ideology revolted against this mechanization of man. They wanted one from their class, a worker, to hold the reign of the system of production, and ultimately the machinery of business. In the absence of any different ideology to re-define life and relation between man, communism ended up as state fascism.
Hence, there is a real gap to fill...a new ideology for mankind to run the business of life peacefully.
Our following blog post gives an out line as to what this new ideology could be: :
Unlike Ayn Rand has branded, it need not be ALTRUISM when a man decide to take care of the other man in the course of doing business of life. It should be simply a 'common sense' decision, derived from plain sense of cause and effect, as evident from the principles of ECOLOGY. When a man, or a group, or the state violate the sense of self of another man, it triggers a massive negative energy. It is similar to dumping garbage anywhere and everywhere, or emitting carbon dioxide irresponsibly to deplete OZONE LAYER. Such irresponsible, primitive actions are definitely detrimental to the very survival of mankind. Man has to first take care the closest item in his environment - - -his fellow man, not out of morality (Altruism) but out of sense of Reason and common sense.
Dear Mr.Sanghvi,
I read your final conclusions of the cause of violence with keen interest. Your conclusion is that some people actively choose the path of violence because they feel they could get away unpunished.
I was into philosophical pursuits from child hood. Causes that lead man to violence was one of my passionate themes of inquiry. You would agree, like poets and artists, philosophers also suffer from special pangs, anguishes and pains about the mystery of life. When poets ' fall upon the thorns of life and bleed' (Shelly?)our thoughts always sink to the bottom, searching for fundamental causes and principles.
Reason, as you would have noticed, has two distinct functions- - one, it helps to arrive at the most mathematically correct conclusion out of all given premises, and two, it splits a given ray of idea into its constituent sub ideas in a 'prismatic' function. While the first is more or less mechanical, the second is more creative, and always a never ending process. Every such fresh spectrum of ideas taunt you to arrive at conclusions and if you seek this option again, it will go on giving you never ending directions and options. Manifestation of this faculty of Reason has helped mankind to take his civilization into the present heights.
As I am actively into meditating on the human faculty of Reason, and in the process of writing my paper on it, I should also mention here that Reason is more or less a SEAT, or a SENSOR of ORDER kept inbuilt in man by nature. Hence it helps man to play and appreciate musical tunes (basically harmony of sound notes) work of art etc .It also compel man to fight injustice.( a form of disorder) It also makes great men to wage revolutions for bringing forth social changes.( compulsion to bring new order)
Will you care to go through the basic two causes of violence depicted in my attached work 'a different story on the origin of establishment' and offer your valued comments? It explains the origin and development of almost all our present day social maladies.. the naked rule of the strong over the less strong, the irrational myth of authority of the establishment, the central role of sycophant middlemen, our tendency of keeping women as items of possession and the permanent wall that separates haves from the have-nots.
This story has a presupposition that man's cosmic urge is to establish and maintain his 'entity'(his BEING) in the course of life. It is the mad urge that every unit of life including plants and animals share with human beings.
The two fundamental type of violence that my meditations have stuck upon are:
1) The oppressor's pre-emptive strike to punish the already oppressed class of men against their attempt to come out free and challenge the already established norms of superiority. The entity, or the BEING of the oppressors have been constituted and defined around such superiority, hence he has no other option but to strike hard and preserve his such entity.
2) From the very moment he has suffered violation of his entity(being)from the hands of the oppressor, it would remain the sole goal in the life of the oppressed to strike back, thus re-gain his lost entity and pride. His only two options are either go neurotic on account of his inability to strike back, or strike till he could annihilate the oppressor.
Unlike the animal species whose concerns and purely biological, man is blessed (or cursed?) to maintain his notional entity as an individual too. Hence unlike in the animal kingdom, man wage even wars for upholding his freedom, besides wars on pure biological causes like food and territory.
While the first kind of violence is actively chosen, the second is purely retaliatory. Oppressor keeps irrational premises about his superiority which can best be attributed to the still active remnant of jungle time primitiveness. Civilization was man's fight to get free from such primitiveness all through. Hence the onus of violence in the society is, without doubt, is with the oppressor, the powerful. The other party is cosmically compelled to retaliate For him it is violence, or the very annihilation of his sense of being!
The relevance of the science of ecology:
During the inception of science, man used it to thoroughly exploit nature and use her resources for improving conditions of life. But today he is compelled to reverse the course.. science of ecology teaches him to look after and preserve his environment if he needs to preserve himself! So we have tiger preserve programmes, forest protection programmes and what not! This new found wisdom is yet to turn its eyes towards the most central of this outlook of wisdom- - -need to preserve the 'other man' to save his society. The fellow-being is the first and the most central item in every one's immediate environment. He is the one to be preserved and looked after first for man to preserve his life, society, country and mankind.
Capitalism advocated the virtue of every man toiling his best to preserve his well being. The other fellow will follow the suit and preserve him self. Fact of competition was established as the naturally set condition for life. While the most successful minority could open factories and business empires, the less successful majority was asked to get transformed into effigies of officers, managers, drivers, workers, clerks and peons. Their entity as unique persons had no takers in the system. Every one was required to convert himself most efficiently as the specialized 'tool'/'component' that he was required to become in the process of running the machinery of business.
Communism as an ideology revolted against this mechanization of man. They wanted one from their class, a worker, to hold the reign of the system of production, and ultimately the machinery of business. In the absence of any different ideology to re-define life and relation between man, communism ended up as state fascism.
Hence, there is a real gap to fill...a new ideology for mankind to run the business of life peacefully.
Our following blog post gives an out line as to what this new ideology could be: :
Unlike Ayn Rand has branded, it need not be ALTRUISM when a man decide to take care of the other man in the course of doing business of life. It should be simply a 'common sense' decision, derived from plain sense of cause and effect, as evident from the principles of ECOLOGY. When a man, or a group, or the state violate the sense of self of another man, it triggers a massive negative energy. It is similar to dumping garbage anywhere and everywhere, or emitting carbon dioxide irresponsibly to deplete OZONE LAYER. Such irresponsible, primitive actions are definitely detrimental to the very survival of mankind. Man has to first take care the closest item in his environment - - -his fellow man, not out of morality (Altruism) but out of sense of Reason and common sense.
A freshly re-invented Democracy can always take care of this rational attitude of man towards the other man, and that of state towards its people and fill up gap between rightist and leftist ideologies, and have a new direction for polity and life.
If such a new ideology do not rise among men in the world, and become a day to day fact of science and common knowledge that every student learn in school, future will again produce many Hitlers and Musolinies to threaten the very survival of mankind one day.
Media is the sole strata in society at present who could realize these fundamentals of polity and life. Once one or two Media leaders like you realize the above historical need of mankind, they can easily create a wave.
With warm love and regards,
Founder Secretary,
Conscience of the society- an NGO that stands for Reason, and re-inventing democracy.
If such a new ideology do not rise among men in the world, and become a day to day fact of science and common knowledge that every student learn in school, future will again produce many Hitlers and Musolinies to threaten the very survival of mankind one day.
Media is the sole strata in society at present who could realize these fundamentals of polity and life. Once one or two Media leaders like you realize the above historical need of mankind, they can easily create a wave.
With warm love and regards,
Founder Secretary,
Conscience of the society- an NGO that stands for Reason, and re-inventing democracy.
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